Taken: 1:22AM Monday, April 16, 2012
I was just wondering..
What did the YT looked like before?
XD With the subscription on the side of the video.. on the right was it?
Now that I think YT looks more applicable.. hehe..
And I like the way how you move the buffering it shows you were
you would like to stop.. XD
Yeah so I just posted this..
Thinking that in the future..
It would change its layout again..
And that this picture would remind me how it looked like
this year.. XD Kk.. That's all about YT..
But hey look what I found..
This cool girl, who isn't much uploading some video diaries..
She didn't really say what her name was..
Found out her name.. It's Sarah Ellen..
Please check it out..
The awesome and cool eyebrows talent! XD
I see that she likes sexy, cool, and accessories and rainbow stuffs..
I love the way she speaks.. hehe.. I heard her mom's filipina.. COOL!
Proud to be PINOY!! XD WOOT! so check it out.. ;))
And some interesting links she's sharing to us.. For that I'll share it to you guys also!
Q: Where did you get your cursor trail?
http://1000onlinegames.net/tumblr/textcursor/ [CURRENTLY NOT WORKING]
if you want to change the colour of words in your cursor trail, then
you just have to find the colour code in the html and change it with the
code of the colour you want!
Q: Where did you get the thing that tells you how many people are on your blog?
A: Just click on it, or go to this website:
then follow the instructions, if you want to change what it says then
when you get the code, at the end of it where it says “users online” you
can change it to whatever you like.
Q: Where did you get your rainbow text?
A: Go on this website,
and make it, then put the code into your info box!
Q: How do you add extra pages?
A: Just go on “Customize > Pages > Add Page”
Q.How Did You Get Your Hit Counter?
A.1. Go to hit-counter.info homepage:
2. Choose your hit counter style.
2b. Enter the initial hit counter value.
3. Enter the your Tumblr blog url.
Then copy the code generated, go to your ‘Tumblr -> Customize
-> Info -> Description’ and paste your hit counter code in your
description box.
Oh wait.. some of these are for TUMBLR users.. that means you can't usually do some of the settings here.. maybe? XD Anyways.. Enjoy!
And HEY! Whadya thinkin' it's all over? LOL! Last one..
Another link I found interesting coz they said there's 7 days trial..
or was it 3? LOL! so YOU just hafta check it out for yerself..
What's more interesting is that you CAN get all the things you're interested in..
Like Photoshopping.. Photographic.. And more!! So sulitin nio na EVERYONE!
Coz you might regret it.. So comment please.. Tell me what you think about these..