Showing posts with label MTV. Show all posts
Showing posts with label MTV. Show all posts

Sunday, 15 April 2012


They're so freaking cute!
and adorkable!! XD I've been into them these past few days..
Watching them.. =))
So I'll just post this part that made smile and laugh the most! WOOT!

Be sure to watch it! It'll gain them more fans.. XD ;))
I have lots of shows from them that I would love to watch again and again..
But of course I have to finish them all before watching them again! XD
Then Farewell..
I gotta sleep now.. XD I know it's late right?? XD haha!

Friday, 14 October 2011

Vote for KPOP!! ^w^

Guys~!! I already did my part.. Except I didn't know if it added on the votes.. ;[
I did it five times.. pressing the same button.. XD
Btw, I saw this comment on DBSK's Mirotic MV... I waz juz randomly choosing a song to hear..
And I just miss listening to their song.. Fave!! ^w^
Kk.. That's all for today.. ^_^ Sweetdreams and Goodnight..