Showing posts with label Triple S. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Triple S. Show all posts

Thursday, 8 September 2011

TRiPLE S 영원히~~~ ^^,

Lookie lookie... XD nae sarang!! ahehehehe!! ♥

I WANT to add the video to my favorites in YT acc.. but i can't sign in.. >.< soo sloow..
But yeh~~~ I LOVE IT!!!! XD WOOOT!!! ♥♥♥♥♥
Especially the Fan chant and their screaming.. XD ahahaha..!!
I just saw the dance steps of 'A Song Calling For You' and i wanted to try it out.. XD It's cute and looks easy.. and WATCH this!!! ♥♥♥♥♥

I'm still watching this..XD LOOK at their smiles!!! I LOVE it everytime they do it.. ♥O♥
It really catches the audience's attention if they always smile.. :)  Forever TRiPLE S!!!! ♥♥♥

I wanted to add some vids here.. that is "A Song Calling For You" PERFS and ViDZ..
I can't find the vid.. Even though nothing's preventing me to post the link!!!
LOVE THE FANS HERE!!!!!!!!!!!! XD I also would love to join my fellow TRiPLE S at those concert..

And one of the vids I watched are their BTS!! XD I LOVE THEM ALL EQUALLY!!! ♥♥♥♥♥
Five Forever as ONE!! ^_^

The videos where deleted.. And I actually didn't want to find a replacement for now..
But maybe, inshaallah, in the future! ;)

Lots of love from all TRiPLE S FAN~♥