Friday, 26 October 2012

Google+ Cover Photo

Assalamu alaikum Guys!
Here I am now~
I actually wanted to continue fixing my blog..
Changing the admin.. but it's still me... ;DD
Juz different emails.. Thanks to the Blog Doctor!
He's really helpful at times.. But there are also times that
I just don't find the answers I'm looking for from him.. ;> 
But here's what I want to let you know..
Hehe.. This is just for letting you into some little info..
or my thoughts.. But if you dun wan to continue.. no prob.. ehehe..
As I was saying I was fixing my blog and so as my Google+
in my new email add.. And when I changed my cover photo,
into something I made my own.. I searched how big or the dimension
of this cover photo.. No need for much reading!
I already saw this link.. it's like on the go.. lol!
No need for opening the website..

So that's what I juz wan to share you.. hehehe.. ;))
Btw, also just to let you know..
I dun wan you to make it buffer for you too..
So IF you too are doing a cover photo for yourself..
The dimensions are 940px by 180px..
I used PhotoScape.. I can't handle Photoshop now..
I feel like.. Why do it there? When I can do it on PhotoScape
which is much more easier for me.. X3
Tata for now~ 

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