Assalamu alaikum guys~ Hmmm..
What do we have for today?
My forecast for today~ lol!
We had rain here in Yanbu!
People in College were going crazy!
AND this is my 1st time seeing
the university in dark mode~ lol!!
It's like, so this is what it looks like when
it's in the evening.. SCARY! at same time cool!
but now really coz it's like your in the hospital! TT^TT
People weren't inside at that time so it looks like as if
no one's inside!! Which really creeped me out a bit! XD
What me and my friend did today was,
we ONLY attended a club meeting!
After that we didn't take any classes..
Coz they were all canceled!
*And I just gave my back a hard time
bringing all those heavy stuff*
Oh and if your curious, or not, to know what
these heavy stuff are.. Keep in touch!
Coz I can have a free time anytime I want to post about it!
That is if your curious XD
Okay what else did we do today???
Oh I showed my cutix / nail polish collection to my friends!
Wanna see? Oh well.. You'll just have to wait for that too~ XD
I've been wanting to do alot of things but I cannot just leave my COLLEGE works..
It's been piling up! I have my own projects to do and these & those things~
Good thing we didn't do anything today~
I was thinking that.. If I only knew that this would happen,
I could have done my Math Homeworks.. and writing CS Powerpoint Lectures!
Hmmph~ But of course! Allah knows what's best!!
And what's best was that~ Instead of having what I want,
the best was I had to spend my day with my 2 newly found bestfriends!!
They're just soooooooooooo FUN to be with!
*I accept Eman as my bestfriend now* ^_^
Especially now that I'm getting to know them more and more!
We laughed so much! Teased each other~
Oh and I better go~ My week hasn't finished yet~
TT^TT Now I'm really starting to feel like super busy!
*I wanted to say like in college, but I'm already IN college* LOL!!
Don't get me wrong! I love being busy.. but I'm just sad that I cannot
do things I would like to do! Especially what I used to do before
in HS was that I will rest for atleast 5 hours or less then do my
homeworks or just have a fun time in the laptop!
Things before wasn't as hectic as this.. ;D
Okay See yah!
Mishu ALL my beautiful friends~