Showing posts with label My Eid Celebration. Show all posts
Showing posts with label My Eid Celebration. Show all posts

Tuesday, 21 August 2012

My Wonderful-ness Eid!

Salamu alaikum!
How are you all now?
How were your Eid Parties?
Mine, it was sooo FUN! For me that is..
Coz this time I participated on the Hunger Games.. LOL!
But I only played in one game.. >.<
Origami Folding
Something that I would really love
to do.. Not that, shouting and screaming and
you know, girl's stuff when they want to win!
It's soooo......
/oh god! why do I keep on forgetting words? >.<
stressing!!!LOL! like thinking 'what was that word again?' XD
Also in behalf of my sister.. She wanted but I think she was shy to
participate.. ;)) Better luck next time..
 So guess what I won!




KNiVES! and It's my kitten! My cat's kitten actually.. XD
Like his mother! Biting all stuff he wants! Ruining EVRYTHING! TT^TT
So what do think of the gift? LOL!
I think it's sooo cool! My own knives! and a shelf/block for it! XD
I forgot to tell, I was on the green team.. I didn't know that
the name tag [post it] was for the teams.. XD So me, my cousin and
my sister were in different groups.. XD I was in it[GREEN] again.. /Sport's Day
for that wonderful evening!