Salamu alaikum~
Okay How are y'all?
The story I'm about to tell you happened last week, I think.. XD
It was during my CS (Computer Science) Class..
They call it CS even though they're only teaching us basic computer stuff in Prep year!
We were already in the Excel Topic.. in Computer Lab.. Tuesday..
I was searching for a computer that has net.. I would really need it just incase if she tells us to download something.. ;D I chose the 3rd to the left of our Teacher..
She explained and came the part when we're all supposed to do the Lab Sheet thing.. Practical in short..
The thing is the active cell is not moving on the window..
& I'm used in using the shortcuts in keyboard..
I asked the teacher after some time I almost finished the whole Lab sheet,
finally she came and tested it.. She's like.. Why's this not working?
Deep down I'm already thinking, WHY DOES THIS ALWAYS HAPPEN TO ME?
But I was kind of happy also now that I know if someone in counters the same I'll definitely help them~ ;>> and so as you, if you're also having the same case... Just remember me~ XD
I didn't think of searching it online during those times coz I was in a hurry to go out of that FREAKING COLD PLACE! X3She clicked few things, and finally told me that it's okay..
I didn't bother to call her again..
I'm about to finish anyway so it's okay..
Up until now, I remembered about this..
I searched and INSHAALLAH if I get the same computer again..
I'll be trying this new technique if it's still like that..
and if someone beats me up to it, which I hopefully don't want it to happen,
I'll just wait for another problem~ XD
Anyways~ Here's the link that helped me.. hopefully same as you~ ^_^
Can't move with the ARROW Keys in Excel