How have you been all?
Today is the 2nd day of Dhul-Hijjah~
And Saiyyadah has shared another story to me,
that I as well would like to share to you~ ^_^
If like me you haven't been invited to Hajj this year did you know there
is plenty you can still do to maximise the benefit from the Hajj season?
The first thing I always do is try and remember that the first 10 days of
Dhul Hijjah are the amongst the most blessed days (Ibn Taymiyyah and
Ibn al-Qayyim). In these days there are many acts that we can do as we
go to work and go about our usual life. This includes fasting in the
first 9 days (including today), making dua and remembering Allah. Lastly,
the day of Arafat is confirmed as Thursday where Muslims performing
Hajj will be in the plains of 'Arafah on Thursday 25 October 2012 (9 Dhul
-Hijjah 1433), and those who are not perfoming Hajj will be celebrating
'Eed al-Adhaa on Friday 26 October 2012, (10 Dhul-Hijjah 1433),
Remember to do what you can to maximise your benefit in these 10 days.
If you have any specific tips that you found useful please let us know so
we can share these as well insha Allah.
May Allah accept all your duas and intentions inshaAllah.
Saiyyidah Zaidi
Please think about these weeks and days that Allah has given to us!
Don't waste it! ;)
Inshaallah Ta'ala I won't too! ^_^