Monday 17 September 2012

About Gmail ~ 2

Salamu alaikum.. How are ya'll? ;))
Hmm.. Let's see.. Things have been busy around me..
So I guess, it's life.. My COLLEGE LIFE!! I mean like OMG!!
I still can't believe it! I'm already in College.. except that I'm not in my hometown ..
;( That's one part I didn't like.. But much of it; I love it here in YUC!!
Atleast I got to be a part of such a COOL school University!!
Aren't you YUC students? ;)) Hmm..
So I'm just going to tell you about what I found out today in Mozilla;
I'm rarely using this.. since I'm getting used to in google chrome..
I think it's much easier to use.. But I also love firefox..!
I just found out on how to remove the ads on GMAIL!
Okay, so what I did was, I downloaded the Adblock Plus Element Hiding Helper
and installed it.. It worked on the Inbox.. But when I click an e-mail,
it still appears on the right side.. But I'm grateful to dejitarob! ^_^
The Adblock plus link isn't working.. So I guess, it can't be downloaded.. I think..
So what I did to remove the ads on the right side.. I went to the
Settings > Web Clips > unchecked the 'Show my web clips above the inbox'
Checked if it was gone.. But it wasn't..
So I installed; Gmelius - Ad Remover and Better UI for Gmail™ 5.6 
I got the link from him again.. hehe..
So I guess that's all for today~
Need to sleep.. Need to wake up VERY early tomorrow..
K.. Byers~ ^_^

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