السلام عليكم!!!
Yow guys! How did I do it? =)))
I juz searched it online and typed it myself!
*To get to know more on how they're written*
So how are you all? ^_^
ان شاء الله hope everything's fine!
=))) I'm really enjoying this..
Learning Arabic by my own!
I know... You'd ask..
Why are you learning just now?
*For the people who know about my condition*
They "hated" or just didn't like the fact that I didn't
understand MOST of what they say and I feel that
it would really annoy them to translate(say) everything back to me again!
And that's one of the reasons as to why I am not that "MUCH" good
in learning Arabic, even though I tried.. I want but they keep on letting my self-esteem low!
It's like they're making me go back! or feel the pressure that I wouldn't like when I study a
language! 1 way to help me guys is to let me FEEL..... or make me feel that speaking in Arabic
is F-U-N!! Yes I can see every time you all talk! But after someone sees that I cannot understand
what they say.. It feels like.. owkay... Please pretend you didn't see me at all!
And after a while they actually do forget that I am there.. The girl who didn't understand
our language! We can talk as much as we can! HOO-RAY! *my mind saying it sarcastically*
So now that the school year's about to finish and I will apply for the summer classes ان شاء الله,
That is the Arab's school year.. But I think they're already finished? hehe..
So yeah.. I will try to study arabic while studying for summer classes! Hopefully that I will
accomplish this goal! ان شاء الله!! Can't wait!! hehe!! That I can FINALLY understand people! (ღ˘⌣˘ღ)
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